2015年9月20日 星期日

week 2. movement as expression

Simplicity in interaction design

Fonckel by Philip Ross
Ross original paper


Alarm clock anticipates sleepers’ emotions
original paper DIS 2002

The emotionally expressive Key Table
physicality of things

Kees Overbeeke

1. What is expression? What is designer's expression? What is user's expression?
2. What is interaction?
3. What is tangible interaction?
4. manipulation vs. expression
5. tool vs. material
6. embodied interaction
7. what are the contrasts of movements?

2015年9月13日 星期日

week 1. introduction

Introduction to Tangible Interaction

2011 TID  課程成果

1.Caroline Hummels, Kees C. Overbeeke, and Sietske Klooster. 2007. Move to get moved: a search for methods, tools and knowledge to design for expressive and rich movement-based interaction.Personal Ubiquitous Comput. 11, 8 (December 2007), 677-690.
2. Baskinger & Gross, "Tangible = Form + Computing", Interactions, 2010.
3. Heekyoung Jung and Erik Stolterman. 2010. Material probe: exploring materiality of digital artifacts. In Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction (TEI '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 153-156. 

Similar courses & project sites:
CIID interaction design
MIT Tangible Media Group
Newcastle University Culture Lab

EX1: (2015/9/28) (延後至 10/5 發表)

TOY Probes:
1. collect at least 3 interesting toys (or products) with expressive tangible quality.
2. bring 1 (or more) toy to the classroom for discussion.
3. make your own toy probes, with analysis of the "movements" in each toy.

1. 互動設計基本概論 (1/3)
2. 感測器原理與實作 (1/3)
3. 互動設計專案討論 (1/3)

個人作業(作品、口頭報告、課堂討論) 60%
期末專題(分組) 40%

1. 請將作業加上標籤,例如第一次作業用 EX1
2, 請將作業加上學號標籤