2018年5月21日 星期一

week 13. annotated portfolios & strong concepts

1. student presentation on Embodied metaphor prototypes
2. More on annotated portfolios (week 12)
3. Strong concepts (week 12)


2018年5月14日 星期一

week 12. annotated portfolios

1. Bill Gaver, Annotated Portfolios

2. Jonas Löwgren  annotated portfolios and other forms of intermediate level knowledge

Final Project warm up:

1. team up (2-3 members in each team)
2. each member collect at least 3 works (toys with  rich movements), and annotate the movements, and other qualities first
3. group discuss on the annotations and modify them
4. output as a set of creative cards
5. propose final project based on annotated portfolios

Deadline 2018/5/29

movement study example:

2018年5月7日 星期一

week 11. embodied metaphor

student presentation on metaphor

Embodied metaphors in tangible interaction design

5/22 group presentation on embodied metaphors
3 lo-fi movement prototypes implementing embodied schema.